Service:Erbium Peel Face & Neck add another, change

Erbium-YAG lasers are used for laser resurfacing of the skin. Example uses include treating acne scarring, rhytids, skin texture, and melasma. An Erbium Laser Peel can be very successful at reducing or eliminating these conditions, and, in fact, it is the best way to address the problematic lines that occur around the mouth and eyes. Erbium:YAG laser skin resurfacing is an effective technique for minimally invasive and effective management of many cutaneous conditions and lesions. Its main indications include treatment of photoaging, rhytids, wrinkles, and solitary benign and malignant cutaneous lesions. This Laser Peel can be stacked with the Pixel8 Microneedling RF at the same appointment for the ultimate regenerating, reverse aging and heal skin tissue treatment. Ablative and non-ablative Erbium laser resurfacing stimulate collagen reorganization and fibroblast activation in photoaged skin. Ablative resurfacing, as on the Spectrum laser, will yield more significant results in a shorter period of time.

Staff: Jennifer Clower
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (CDT)
Price:$475 (card on file required)